Ser Jin


What was your Last drawn Income Range before joining insurance Biz?
About $100K

How long have you stayed in your previous job before joining insurance Biz?
Was in my previous job about 11 months

Was it more of a Push or Pull Factor? Can you elaborate a little?
It was a push factor cos I was retrenched in November 2001. Was out of job from November 2001 to August 2002. Joined insurance from August 2002.

How long have you been in insurance Business?
Since August 2002

What was the biggest fear before joining the biz? How did you overcome it?

  • Uncertain income, got to look for business on my own, cold calls.
  • Have to set a goal for myself. Keep calling and keep meeting people. I remember that my previous director told me that as long as I call and meet people, I will make it.

In your own opinion, what are the key attributes of your success?

  • Time Management
  • Follow the advice of other experienced agents
  • Continue to call and continue to meet
  • Don’t give up
  • Don’t mix with negative people
  • Remain positive

What are some of the awards you have achieved?

  • MDRT
  • Company awards (can’t recall as there are many)
  • Overseas conventions

What is your specialization in insurance?

  • Business Insurance
  • Personal Risk Management
  • Medical Insurance Specialist
What are the key challenges when you first join? How did you cope & overcome it?

When I joined the insurance industry, I was fearful and afraid as I wasn’t sure if I can make it since I have to generate my own leads.

Another challenge was that I thought everyone should have been insured at age 30+ (the time when I joined this industry). I was also afraid of how people will view me as an insurance agent when in the past, I was a Regional Channel Sales Manager.

What I did was to emulate what other successful agents are doing and maintain a positive mindset.

When I started to review the insurance policies of my friends, I realized that quite a number of them are uninsured. So this gives me confidence that many of my friends are not well insured.

Only when I decided to accept that I am an insurance agent, that my heart was at peace and do not care what people say. Importantly is that we are the people that people will look for us when they are hospitalized or when they are diagnosed with certain illnesses. Remember that our job is just as important as a doctor where the doctor treats the medical conditions and we provide the financial means.

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