

20 Jun: How to find your Ikigai at work

Two people working in the same place, on the same day, can take away two entirely different experiences. Consider, for instance, restaurant workers who meet an angry customer.

After being shouted at, what’s their likely reaction?


17 Jun: How to use your Enneagram type strengths in a financial planning career

The Enneagram is widely known for identifying personality types, but its uses go beyond that. By understanding our Enneagram personality type, we can also determine our optimum work environment, and approach to our career; as such, it’s a way to leverage our strengths, and minimise our weaknesses. This is especially helpful to the self-employed, or to those in industries where you’re given leeway to determine your own work styles. Chief among these is the finance industry, and its financial planners – here’s how they can optimise their career through their Enneagram types.


06 Jan: A guide for fresh graduates during Covid-19

Covid-19 has seen a major shake-up in the economy, with changing work cultures, and cautious hirers. Companies that may once have been open to taking on fresh graduates may put a freeze on hiring, until the pandemic plays out; at the same time, entry-level jobs in retail and F&B may shrink, with fewer customers up and about. What’s a fresh graduate to do in a situation like this? Here are some avenues to consider.