Why should you take the Career Fit Tool – Enneagram?

Other than shedding light on your personality, this test can be a valuable tool for personal growth and development which can help you create successful relationships at work or in life. The test results can also serve as guidelines for companies to gain a better understanding of their staff’s traits, group dynamics and interpersonal communication. This will in turn enhance the company’s work culture and productivity.

Enneagram Type 4 (The Individualist) – Male, age 33

Well, being a type 4, we have a tendency to let our emotions take over our lives. After attending the Enneagram level 1 session, I somehow figured out a way to divert my influx of emotions into positivity. Also, I am able to better understand my clients’ personalities and create the best possible outcome in any situation.

Enneagram Type 9 (The Peace Maker) – Female, age 33

“Enneagram helped me to create self-awareness and allowed me to understand myself better, in how and why I had reacted the way I did to situations that had happened in my personal and career life. The characteristics and behavioural types as well as the strengths and weaknesses discussed during this program resonate very well to myself and it is almost true to how I would have reacted.”

Enneagram Type 6 (The Loyalist) – Male, age 34

“Enneagram helped me to understand the different personalities and allow me to communicate and build trust with my clients better. Additionally, it allows me to identify any weaknesses/flaws in my own personality and improve on it. After going through the Enneagram test, it allowed me to understand some of my weaknesses in communication. After fine-tuning my approach, I do see improvement in my relationship with the people around me especially my clients.”

Enneagram Type 5 (The Investigator) – Male, age 43

“The Enneagram has helped me to understand my blind spots, as well as the emotional blockages regarding the way I relate to my partner, family members, colleagues, friends and clients. Understanding where others come from has also helped me to become more compassionate and empathetic towards them and be less judgemental. I have also gained clarity about what I value most in my romantic and working relationships.”

Know your personality through Enneagram.

We want to know you, as much you’d like to know yourself.

Your behaviour, motivation, values and subconscious mind shape who you are, as well as the relationships you develop at home and at work.

The Enneagram is regarded by many business leaders and trainers as one of the most effective tool available today for developing emotional intelligence (EQ).

It provides valuable insight into how the nine personality types think and feel, their mental models and motivation. Not only does it support our self-awareness, but also our ability to relate well to others, the two necessary aspects of EQ.

What is EQ?

The vital ingredient to the success of groups and teams is emotional intelligence (EQ). Research demonstrates that EQ is more important than IQ whenever people work together towards a common goal.

The capacity to know oneself, one's feelings and motivations, and
The ability to understand and relate well to co-workers and colleagues.

9 types of personalities

The Enneagram profiling tool covers nine personality types and it’s used to identify what your personality is. It comprises an intriguing quiz of self-discovery and helps you understand yourself and how your personality traits affect your life and career.

Type 1: The Perfectionist
Type 2: The Helper
Type 3: The Achiever
Type 4: The Individualist
Type 5: Observer
Type 6: The Loyalist
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Type 8: The Challenger
Type 9: The Peacemaker

See which career path is most suitable for you.

We use the Enneagram to better understand mid-career professionals with an entrepreneurial mindset who are keen to be a financial consultant.

We’re looking for dynamic self-starters from diverse industries to join us in an exciting world of life and general insurance (commercial and personal).

Please key in registration code MIDCAREERSWITCH in order for us to retrieve the report to share with you.


You just need to follow the steps here.

Sign up for a networking event

From the sign up, we will shortlist suitable applicants to our monthly event.

Prior to attending the monthly event, kindly please complete the Enneagram test and make a payment of $20 for the extensive personality report (to be collected at the event). Food & Beverages will be provided at the event.

Take the Enneagram Personality Quiz

To take the test, it is absolutely Free. If you'd like to have an extensive report, the fee of the report is $20. Estimated time to complete is 30mins. Please key in registration code MIDCAREERSWITCH in order to have the report retrievable.

Come to the networking event

Our veterans would have read your report and will be ready to share their insights with you during the event. Food and drinks will be provided.

Like the Enneagram and want to find out more?

  1. Sign up here.
  2. Click on the “RSVP now” button under Level 1 People Management with Enneagram.
  3. Key in the promo code MIDCAREERSWITCH to claim an additional hour of coaching absolutely free (Total 2 hours)!